Watch 7 reasons people give for not being successful
What excuse are you giving about your success?
- I’m too old to start? As long as you’re still living and breathing, you still have all the resources to turn your life around. All it takes is will and desire. I have a friend who started her career in Law at the age of 50. She has finished now and now a Lawyer. If she thought about her age, she will not want to start. Let each day count for you
Abraham started a journey to the unknown at 75, Moses 80
- I wasn’t born in the right place.
Your environment does not determine your attitude. You may be born in error but God knew you were coming. You are in control of what you choose to think and feel about yourself. There are a lot of Nigerians or Africans doing well right in Africa. Let our environment not determine our attitude to our success.
- I don’t know if I will succeed.
Just try your best and leave the rest for God to bless. Sometimes, your journey will take you on roads you never thought existed. Just try. You may not be perfect. I make mistakes too but i just carry on. It will get better.
- I’m not educated enough.
Education is important and good for our progress but it is not something you must learn at school. Your experience sometimes may be the best educator. Peter was a fisherman but was successful in ministry. With all your education and microphone, how many souls have u won for the Lord
- Don’t blame anyone for failing if u fail – instead, take responsibility
You are not the first to ever fail, that is why the word failure exist. So try
- I will start tomorrow.- procrastination
Procrastination is the thief of time. Make up your mind to make progress today on that business, that career move, that thing that God laid in your heart and be motivated. Procrastination is the thief of time
- I don’t have the support.
Having people supporting your God given-idea is beneficial but your motivation supersedes it all. People cannot support more than you carrying the vision. Pray.. make the move and trust God for increase.
No excuse is good enough. Create your own atmosphere… declare with me: ‘I am not short of ideas I know what to do at all times I am what the Word says I am; I am invigorated by divinity! Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world! My victory is undeniable, and all the blessings and results of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are evident in my life. Blessed be God. Halleluiah’
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